Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What have I gotten myself into?

Hi, I came home from work last Tuesday to what sounded like little birds in the trees in the backyard. The kids next door were out and making a ruccus so I went to investigate. They are somewhat distructive in nature as all kids can be, so I was certain something had been disturbed. What I found was heartbreaking. Four little kittens scattered across a 3 foot area under the Ivy vines that were no bigger than the palm of my hand. I simply could not just leave them there in the dirt to cry until dead. I took them inside, placed them in a wicker basket with lots of towels and called Fang for advise. (okay, side-note: Fang - AKA - the boyfriend) We made a mad dash to Petco when he got home for bottles and milk replacer. He may want to be a big tough guy, but deep down under that " I dont care" attitude is a huge soft heart. We fed them in the car in the parking lot of Petco and it took a bit to coax them to take the bottle. He was so patient with the little things. They looked so small in his huge hands as he gently wiped the formula from their little mouths. I felt better knowing that these little lives were safe and warm. We fed them, bathed them and did all the stuff that Dr. Google said to do on the subject of raising abandoned kittens. They settled into a comfortable rythum of life and often had to be woken up to feed. Now I tell you this because on Day#6 of my adventure into CatLady of 4th Street my darling Fang took all 4 kitties to his work out of town. I waved goodbye to him, stepped into my little shack of a house and heard kittie crys. Phantom crys? I thought to myself... no, the noise was coming from under the bathroom sink? I found 2 more babies the same size as our 4 screaming under the waterheater on the side of the house. I simply could not let them scream so I took them. My thought was if I take them and raise them I can find homes for the little ones. It would be better than allowing the herd of 6 run free over the neighborhood as feral cats. We already have two litters from strays in the neighborhood. So, 6 kitties, lots of love and many pictures!! I will keep you posted on their little lives. We will start as Day#7, peace out!