Thursday, September 27, 2012

The kitties are a year old this week and yesterday they went in to get fixed. I have never dealt with a pushier bunch of women than the people at (name of organization). When I say NO I MEAN NO. Im not going to let three overbearing drama queen women get inbetween me and my man like this whole group have done. All over the 5 remaining outside cats. Lets keep this in perspective and stop the ranting on how the cat over population is in Ventura County. CATS DO THAT! Its their job.  Enough about pushy old rich-bitch brawds from fantacy land.
The kitties weathered the surgery well. Wussie got fixed to, so she wont be giving us any more suprises by sneaking out for any more one night stands with the alley cats of the neighborhood. For anyone who is with the organization that helped with the funding of this weeks surgerys, more  power to ya, just stop harassing ME. Thank you.