Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Down to 12 cats

We lost little Betty in June. She never really seemed "right". I would watch her just sit in the middle of the floor and stare, almost as if she really couldn't see. She never took any interest in grooming like the others. When you would pick her  up she drooped over your hand and would seem to almost fold in half with no fight in her.  We weighed her once and at 8 months she was still only 3.5 pounds.  One morning we found her laying prone under the space heater. Fang was alarmed, I cried. The next day she was worse. He scooped her up in his big grisly hands, his shaky voice whispering soothing sounds into her fur.   I drove to the vet.  Many suggestions and a couple of  X-rays later we still had no clue what was wrong with her. We took her home with a prescription and laid her in a cage with towels all around, she would not move. Her momma and daddy slipped into the cage after awhile and sat with her. That night she died. 
Sometimes I think cats are holding places for the spirits of those moving through this existence. You've heard me say this before, people live in cats. I really feel Betty was a holding place for a life force that hadn't found its beginning yet.
It still doesn't take the hurt and sadness away. It only offers a reason.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Friday !

I write to get things off my chest. Stuff that used to go into reams of notebook paper that I've saved for some ungodly reason. Now, its typing on a white screen and with the click of a button,  its posted to nobody.  Just hanging out  there somewhere in cyberspace, collecting cosmic dust.

I live for fridays. I love the feeling of having done a weeks worth of work, having accomplished something, anything or sometimes nothing, and knowing I have the next two days to just do what I want.  I think I will plant a garden this weekend.

Peace Out!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

attempt at being "social"

Hello World!
I was approached by my youngest daughter with the idea that I should join a Group. She was concerned that I may not be socializing as much as she felt was appropriate. Now, I've never  been one to gather like some people are. Those that seem to have several friends hovering over them tend to just scratch me the wrong way. I am a social misfit. I know this about myself. I do not feel comfortable with large crowds or even family gatherings for that matter. Sometimes I say and do stupid stuff and it usually bothers me for years after. Mental garbage is my term for such foolery. Anyhow, back to the story. She suggested this as a place to find friends of similiar interest. I went there. I found mommy groups and hiking groups and wine groups. There were book clubs and social clubs and dog lover clubs, cat lover clubs, internet start up clubs and a plethora of entraperneural groups.  Spiritual Enlightenment was hilarous!  I have to wonder what these people DO at those groups meetings? Contort their bodies into unimaginable positions and hum mantras?  For me that would be a three day regime of high-dose Motrin and a heating pad. NOT MY CUP OF TEA!!!  NO sewing groups or crafting groups of any sort. ( I'm not into knitting so that is definitely OUT)
I looked, that is the best I could offer her. I will stick to my sewing and my little yard. Happily dreaming of the house I may some day own with its little white picket fence, porch and gardens. It makes me happy.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Plastic People

 Its not so bad being the "odd man out", "fifth wheel", "socially inept". I have the rare oppertunity to look at what is normal to the plastic people and choose NOT to be like them. Yes, I am a people watcher. I notice those odd men out of society. Those who wear their black socks with funky sandals and plaid shorts. Those who tuck their polo shirts into their shorts and wear weird hats. California is filled with these types, but society deems them unacceptable. So they slide through the crowds as fillers. The 47% that try to keep the plastic people (wealthy and barbie type) from tumbling. Have you ever watched "Housewives of Orange County"? Those are plastic people. I certainly do not want to be that type of person. Are we being told by the marketing exec's and programing specialists that THIS is what we want? An hour glass shape, stingy hair and puffed up pouty lips? I would like to see more shows like "Honey BO BO" where REAL people are living their lives the way real people live. Who has that kind of money to drive expensive cars and have lunches out every day and a shop till you drop lifestyle?  Give me the show that has people driving an hour to work through nasty traffic to sit and answer phones, solve minor employee squabbles, flip burgers or empty someones garbage bins. THATS REAL PEOPLE of Orange County! That guy who comes into the department at 4pm every day to empty the trash and clean the bathrooms, who goes to school full time, has a second job after this one, who trys to make ends meet while bettering his own knowledge. Give me those people any day! The "odd men out"! 

I'll shut up now.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oh Dear! another kitten!

UPDATE! Good morning Cyber world. I still do not have ANY furniture in my house that posesses softness or fabric. These little heathens have made it impossible to own a CHAIR!  I must find some sort of piece that is wood and does not allow for squatting because Wishbone refuses to use the catbox.
Last week the "middlings" had a visit to the doctors for the fix. We thought maybe Conner got one of the females so I rushed the appointment just incase another litter was on its way. This was premature as Conner turned out to be Connie! MY BAD>>>>
We only have 5 left to fix and then they all will be acclimated to the outdoors. Slowly as none of them have ever been beyond the front door.
OH! we were blessed with another kitten two days ago. FANG had carted off the two female cats in the back yard and the black one CAME BACK! She dropped a litter around St. Patricks day but we could not find where. Two days ago I heard squeeking in the ivy. FANG went searching and found one little kitten in a nice safe spot. We left it alone this time and waited. Around 11PM it started whining, I listened to that little voice until 330 AM. By 515AM I had enough and woke FANG.... he found the little thing laying on its side, cold, and near death. We simply could NOT leave it there. He spent the day in a heating pad on FANGS chest, took about a half ounce of water and started to come back to us. By the end of my work day Precious had taken some formula and was lively as he should be again. He is doing quite well now. FANG bought him is own little carrier and little stuffed toy and he goes where ever FANG goes.
I am of the firm belief that the human spirit does not reside in only one body. I believe that the soul moves on at death to another form. When you look into the eyes of these cats you see the essence of a human  life looking back at you. Cutie looks at you with the eyes of an innocent little girl. Loki, the mischief of a defient boy. Buster, the wisdom of an old man. I may be going off the deap end a bit but if you look closely you can see the continuation of life at its essance.

UPDATE: Little kittie did not make it. He died a week later. We think he was blind. So sad ;(